大家好,欢迎来到Victoria英语教研的课堂,我是Victoria老师,今天是第五节课,主题是: About Economy ,如果你想冲出内卷,雅思冲7+拿高分,可学此课程,此课程学习步骤是:
Step 1 The Outline of the Text
Paragraph 1 Introduction
Paragraph 2-10 ... pros and cons for workers and the economy
Paragraph 11 Conclusion
Step 2 New words and expressions:
1. gig economy(零工经济)
2. freelance work(选择自由职业)
3. traditional nine-to-five jobs(朝九晚五的工作)
4. Cost reduction( 成本降低;降低成本)
5. benefits and insurance(福利和保险)
6. Unstable work flow(工作流程不稳定)
7. provide incentives(提供激励)
Step 3 Presentation