大家好,欢迎来到Victoria英语教研的课堂,我是Victoria老师,今天是第五节课,主题是: About Economy ,如果你想冲出内卷,雅思冲7+拿高分,可学此课程。
Lesson 12 About infrastructure investment
New words and expressions:
1. Improved productivity(提高生产率)
2. communication(通信)
3. access markets(接入市场).
4. infrastructure(投资基础设施)
5.economic competitiveness(经济竞争力)
Paragraph 1 Introduction
Infrastructure investment plays a crucial role in promoting economic growth. Infrastructure refers to the physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the basic functioning of a society or economy, such as roads, bridges, airports, and water supply systems. Here are some ways in which infrastructure investment can contribute to economic growth:
基础设施投资在促进经济增长方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 基础设施是指用于社会或经济的基本功能所需的物资和组织结构和设施,例如道路、桥梁、机场和水供应系统等。以下是基础设施投资可能对经济增长做出的贡献如下:
Paragraph 2- 5Contributions in detail
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